Bulldog Bark

Hey Bulldogs,

February is here! I am excited for things to keep rolling this month as we look forward to the next few weeks and the ability to get students excited to graduate and moving on to the next phase of their lives.

We recently made a bell schedule change after the student council approached the staff about changing our Monday schedule. After discussion and listening to the student council, we decided to make that change effective immediately. You can see the new schedule here.

Essentially, it is the same bell schedule except for some minor changes, including switching PE time in the afternoon to right after lunch and of course Monday schedule being exactly the same as the rest of the week.

Also, we will be having student council elections again. Those wishing to run must submit their application online. 

Best of luck!



2024-25 Night School Calendar

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2024-25 SCHS Calendar

24-25 Calendar SCHS - 2024-25 Quarters (1)

Student Application

Student Application

About Swift Creek High School

The purpose of SCHS is to provide an alternative setting and alternative instructional approach for students who have not found success in a traditional setting. Smaller class sizes, personalized instruction, and relationships in a family atmosphere are the hallmarks of the Swift Creek High School Community that rekindles a student's desire and passion to learn. Our vision is to help students acquire the skills necessary to face everything and rise above challenges.

Due to limited resources our enrollment is also limited. In an effort to maintain the integrity of our program, students must apply for admission. Applications for admission are accepted throughout the year. At each enrollment window students are selected through the process outlined below. We will not accept or start new students in regular classes after the first day of the hexter (6 week period of study). Students may, however, complete an application and apply for the upcoming enrollment window (3-4 times per year).

Student Application Process

  • SCHS accepts new students during each enrollment window. Priority for selection is given to students who have the greatest need combined with the greatest potential for success in the school.

  • To secure a place on the waiting list and to be considered for admission at the next enrollment window, students must complete the Student Application, AND have the online Counselor Recommendation completed on their behalf.

  • Students that have completed and submitted an application, AND have a Counselor Recommendation completed will be contacted prior the next enrollment window to schedule an interview (students new to Lincoln County School District #2 will not need a Counselor Recommendation).

  • Within 10 days of the interview, the student will be notified of acceptance status into SCHS. If accepted, the student will be given an enrollment packet to complete with the building secretary prior to the first day of class. Students that were not accepted will be given the option to remain on the waiting list if they desire.

Instant Notifications about My Child’s Attendance

Attendance Notifications

Here is a quick tutorial showing you how to set-up the notifications in your Infinite Campus Settings.

This will allow you to receive a text message, or voice message, or e-mail each time your child is absent.
Please give us a call at (307) 885-7139 if you need any help setting this up.